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Welcome to Apply the Pressure: CPR Solutions

Thanks for stopping by! It is our mission to provide community training centered in being prepared, confident and efficient in CPR training.   

We realize that emergencies are just that, an emergency!  But as they say, practice makes perfect! At ATPCPR, want to provide you information to be best prepared for that situation.  

Have a look around, I hope you enjoy. 

Learn To Act Quickly in An Emergency

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My mission is to apply the pressure to the communities around me to be trained for the most vital moments of an emergency.  Community education and training is my vision for the company.  I would like for the communities that we live in to be comfortable with starting CPR at the scene.  Increasing autonomy in emergency care I feel makes every age more prepared in an emergency.

The people with common interests living in a particular area.  A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests.

SYNONYMS: Likeness, fellowship